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Sarah has been working for We Group since 2017 and heads up the OPS team. She has always been passionate about safeguarding the future

Vision: 2025 was delighted to participate in the MUTA Member’s Day, March 6th, at The Belfry, contributing a presentation and joining a panel discussion:

Our friends at Green Events shared their insights into tackling campsite waste in this blog which was written following insights from ADE Green 2022’s

Zofia has been working in event operations for over 10 years across a number of small, medium and large scale festivals and venues. Her

Vision: 2025 welcomed new steering group members to the UK Outdoor Events Environmental Steering Group this week, expanding the group to include more perspectives

Now in its 12th year, 2023 saw Love Saves The Day return to Ashton Court for its second edition at that location, where their

Vision: 2025 and Julie’s Bicycle launched a Sustainable Materials and Waste Management Toolkit for Festivals at AIF Congress, Bristol, Feb 1st, 2024. If you

In this blog we ask industry leaders what trends they expect and what to look out for in 2024. Plus, a preview of the

Vision: 2025 and Julie’s Bicycle have launched a 12-month pilot with ten local authorities including Manchester, Bristol and Reading, to test how the Green

Hannah runs betternotstop a sustainable impact agency in Manchester. Their ‘More Than Music’ report, offers event frameworks for sustainability in music festivals, evidenced by

In this end of year blog, Chris Johnson, Chair of Vision: 2025, delivers his annual round up of advances in event sustainability from across

In 2023, Team Love & Temple Design Studio showcased the creative use of mycelium for as a building material at a festival setting at