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Green Leader

A monthly bite-size Q&A on the Vision:2025 website & newsletter to over 3000 outdoor event industry professionals, that spotlights people in the events industry who have made a significant contribution to sustainability.

Our aim is to profile inspiring people and practices, keep the conversation about sustainability alive in the outdoor events industry in an engaging way, share human stories and ideas, and continue to build a community around climate action.

Meet our Industry Green Leaders below….

Doug Francisco is Director of Narrative for Boomtown Fair, and devised the RED REBEL BRIGADE, a now global performance activist troupe affiliated with XR and other environmental movements.

Jenny Hamada is Director of Events for European Festivals at AEG Presents, she’s responsible for the successful year-round planning, management and execution of world-renown

This May 2020, we launch the Monthly Vision: 2025 Industry Leaders Q&A, a regular slot which celebrates inspirational people from across the industry. We