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Sustainable-impact agency Betternotstop, has published the latest edition of its ‘More Than Music’ report into music festivals and sustainability. Of the 100 festivals featured

travel demand management and journey planning platform for destinations, events and venues

Vision 2025 Green Directory members White Light, Pro AV and SFL are UK based companies, within the d&b Group, offering free access to the

The Arena Group has reported significant improvements in its carbon reduction and social impact across the past year, highlighting the supply chain’s role in

The Sustainable Event Summit 2023 took place at The Showman’s Show in October 2023. The Best of the Summer panel introduced guests from guests

EarthPercent was created in 2021 to work with artists and the music industry to unleash the power of music in service of the planet.

Bristol’s independent festival production company, Team Love’s sustainability report on Love Saves The Day 2023 Team Love hope to continue adding their voice to

Now in its 12th year, 2023 saw Love Saves The Day return to Ashton Court for its second edition at that location, where their

Vision: 2025 and Julie’s Bicycle launched a Sustainable Materials and Waste Management Toolkit for Festivals at AIF Congress, Bristol, Feb 1st, 2024. If you

This Toolkit provides practical step-by-step guidance and resources for those responsible for waste management at greenfield festivals. The Towards Zero Waste Festivals Project  This

A set of tools designed to empower event professionals across Europe to be future-ready, with green competency, tools and personal certification. Future Festival Tools

In this end of year blog, Chris Johnson, Chair of Vision: 2025, delivers his annual round up of advances in event sustainability from across