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Guide covering the basic principles of procurement decision processes, sustainability procurement policies and liaising with suppliers, as well as specific buying advice for common products and services. It is aimed at anyone who makes buying decisions at your organisation.

Guidelines to help Arts Council England NPOs develop their own environmental policy and provided examples to see what a policy should look like in practice.

Briefing paper to give a better understanding of the Circular Economy, and how to apply its principles in your areas of work, from artistic practice to day-to-day operations in organisations.

Webinar to help NPOs get more from their environmental data and reporting, so that it becomes more than a box-ticking exercise and can actually provide meaningful information which can be put to good use and adds value to what you do. Providing examples, explaining how to get more from the IG Tools, and addressing some of the questions we get asked a lot.

This webinar explores what climate change means for tours, and how touring organisations can develop their environmental practice through developing a collaborative approach with critical partners across the touring supply chain. It will show benefits of adopting an environmentally conscientious approach to touring.

Webinar for people working on marketing and communications, green team leads, and anyone interested in an introduction to this topic. Includes a communications guide and features a range of approaches, top tips, and stories from other arts and creative organisations. JB’s Project Manager, Chiara Badiali, is joined by Matthew Otty, Marketing Assistant at the Royal Albert Hall who shares their learning with participants on successfully engaging team members in a large arts organisation.

This webinar gives a better understanding of the circular economy and how to apply its principles in your areas of work, from artistic practice to day-to-day operations in organisations. Chiara Badiali, Knowledge and Sector Intelligence Lead at JB, shares examples of the circular economy, and is joined by Melissa Lewis, Specialist in Modern and Contemporary Art, from Modern British Conservation who shares her experience on applying circular economy principles to their cultural practice and how this has developed.

This report is an indispensable guide to the ways in which the creative sector can respond to the biodiversity crisis, with a focus on green infrastructure, single-use plastics, and the move away from unsustainable sources such as palm oil. It takes in a variety of fascinating case studies of successes and ongoing challenges from across the UK and Global arts and cultural sector. Written by lead author Chiara Badiali and produced by JB.

Briefing from JB for the Arts Council England programme exploring the environmental issues associated with plastics and what the creative sector can do to tackle plastic pollution – with practical tips and a series of inspiring case studies from across the UK.

This webinar focuses on climate policy, decarbonisation trends, and key case studies from the sector. It also explores the practicalities of energy management, with a focus on renewable energy to help you frame your operational and strategic response to the climate emergency.

As part of the Arts Council England environmental support programme, this guide is a series of webinars on creative climate action. They cover: the state of the climate and climate policy, where Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from, the role of the arts, and understanding data and taking action.

Creative Green Tools are a free set of unique carbon calculators developed by Julie’s Bicycle specifically for the creative industries.