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Join the last in the series of #WeMakeTheFuture Webinars – ‘Speak Up & Speak Out to Lead Change’ this Wednesday December 9, 2-3pm.

This year the annual outdoor event industry green survey asked the community to share how COVID-19 is affecting environmental ambitions for the future. The survey received responses, representing more than 100 UK outdoor events and festivals with an estimated combined audience of almost 2,000,000. Read the results…

Fridays For Future youth-led climate groups have launched global climate concerts in over 40 countries scheduled for April and October 2021

Julie’s Bicycle hosts the next webinar in the Vision: 2025 #WeMakeTheFuture Autumn series, 25 Nov, 2-3pm. The topic is Circular Economy and The Outdoor Events Industry with Patricia Yagüe, Live Nation Europe and Paul Schurink, Green Events Netherland.

Christopher Pleydell, CEO of Hybrid Events, and the Strategy & Communications Director for the ‘Event Greening Program’, provides summary analysis based on updated figures for an assessment made in 2013 of the e-waste produced by the UK audio visual industry.

Chiara Badiali, Knowledge Lead at Julies’ Bicycle, unpicks the meaning and issues around WEEE, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

Powerful Thinking, the outdoor events sustainable energy working group, has restructured, appointing a new Chair and Project Lead Tim Benson

The July 2020 launch of the 5th annual event industry green survey has been refocused, to understand the impact of COVID-19 on sustainability ambitions, and provide an opportunity for event organisers to share their plans and needs for reducing their carbon impacts when events return.

Steve Heap is Director of the Association of Festival Organisers, Chairman of the Events Industry Forum and was Director of Towersey festival for 45

Vision 2025 headline supporter, Continest was announcing its new UK distribution partner, Cube International Group, just weeks ahead of the UK’s government lockdown.  In

Dutch Festival DGTL has replaced its cancelled event in April with the ‘Revolution Talks’ – a series of videos from the creative minds behind

ecolibrium launches today, May 21, 2020, as the new brand for Energy Revolution, the charity that tackles environmental impacts from live event industry travel, to