Vision: 2025’s recently launched Toward Zero Waste Festivals Report identified a knowledge gap amongst event organisers about waste regulations and what to ask contractors.
Vision: 2025 and Julie’s Bicycle are launching a project to deepen understanding about waste management and its impacts at outdoor festivals, and set the
Jo Blick is a Waste Reduction Specialist founded the first UK event recycling company in 1989, she is a freelancer with event waste management company
Cordi Ashwell, director of Decordia, shares her 20 years of experience of designing, building and installing festival and venue architecture for events such as Parklife, Rewind, Tramlines, Truck, Y Not!, Snowbombing, Neighbourhood Weekender, Boardmasters and Bluedot – many of which have sustainability as a key priority.
John Marshall-Potter, Co-founder of FolkEast, shares the journey to achieve as low a carbon footprint as possible over many areas of the event, with a focus on using the advantage of being a truly local festival as a key to cutting emissions.
Vision: 2025 team member Charlie Kingsley, has worked with us to begin building the Green Supplier Directory. Here he shares his views on why greening the supply chain is such a vital step in helping the Live Events Industry hit their environmental targets.
A study by Plastic Promise, Netherlands, finds that reusable hard cups that are washed efficiently are less harmful to the environment than any recyclable soft cup, but only if hard cup losses stay below 25%. Read the full report…
Julie’s Bicycle hosts the next webinar in the Vision: 2025 #WeMakeTheFuture Autumn series, 25 Nov, 2-3pm. The topic is Circular Economy and The Outdoor Events Industry with Patricia Yagüe, Live Nation Europe and Paul Schurink, Green Events Netherland.
In this guest blog Megan Best from sustainable event solutions company, Native Events, explores the theory of the adaptive resilience cycle and how it applies to the future of the festival industry.
Selena Donald is the founder of The Bulb, a sustainability consultancy for event organisers, brands and NGOs she has recently authored a guide to Sustainability, Safety and Events in a Post-Lockdown Era. In this blog she discusses the effects of coronavirus and climate change on and lays out clear actions for events, business and policy makers.
AnyBrand has launched a range of sustainable face coverings, which they hope can be part of the package that helps events get back to business. They are safely re-usable, made from recycled materials, recyclable at end of life and an effective barrier to COVID-19.
Christopher Pleydell, CEO of Hybrid Events, and the Strategy & Communications Director for the ‘Event Greening Program’, provides summary analysis based on updated figures for an assessment made in 2013 of the e-waste produced by the UK audio visual industry.